Global Care is committed to meeting physical and spiritual needs of those who are "the least of these" in the Nations. Our programs include Feed-the-Family Project, S.O.A.R the Orphans, partnering in disaster relief, and in medical supplies support.


"And the King will answer and say to them, Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me." Matthew 25:40, NKJV.



Global Care Programs

the Children

It is our mission to bless and share the message of Jesus Christ that all people may be adopted in to the Family of Heaven. In this program, we aim to S.O.A.R. the Children.


        Support and Empower

        Offer Hope

        Accept Responsibility

      Reap A Brighter Future.


In partnering with us, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of many orphans and vulnerable children for Jesus Christ.

Feed A Family Project was initiated in 2009 to help feed orphans and women affected by HIV in eastern Kenya. Food security is critical for those living with HIV to live healthy positive lives. People living with HIV urgently need both physical and spiritual food.



Women Support Groups

The Lord has placed it upon our hearts to appeal to all our partners and friends to help us support women and widows affected and living with HIV. We are involved in sponsoring self-help women’s groups in eastern Kenya where women attend empowering monthly support groups.

New project

The Lord has placed upon our hearts to build a Primary (Elementary) School for Orphans and vulnerable children in Kenya, a place they can be empowered to achieve their God given purpose.


We have acquired land. With your support we will be a blessing to many children in Kenya. In addition to this building project, we continue our feed a family project in support of meeting daily needs of orphans and vulnerable children. We also continue to support monthly support group for women living with HIV in rural eastern Kenya.

Partner With Us!

Here's how you can help:

Fill out a form if you would like to receive upcoming projects information.

Partner to help build schools.

Become a monthly support for the orphans.

Become a monthly supporter for women support groups.

Donate a one time seed towards our program

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Together let's make a difference! To make a donation, Click here.

Send Checks to:

Kingdom Vision Outreach Ministries

P.O. BOX 242224 MILWAUKEE, WI 53224

For more information, email us at globalcare@kvom.org

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Global Care






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