Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower, build, and restore the body of Christ,

through anointed simple biblical teachings of the Kingdom of God, evangelism, discipleship, healing, and deliverance services.

About KVOM

We welcome you to Kingdom Vision Outreach Ministries. KVOM is a Word of Faith-based non-denominational multi-cultural gathering of Christians throughout the earth, connecting all people to Jesus Christ. Teaching and Preaching the Good News of the Kingdom of God: Divinely Connecting all People to Jesus Christ.

What we


We believe the Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written Word of God. There is One God manifested in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, eternally existent.


He said, "Only Believe." We believe here at KVOM that no matter how it looks like or feels like, His Word has the power to change every situation in every area of our life. His Word says ALL things (not some) are possible to Him that believe! We as believers must accept that all things has been finished on the cross, and that all things as been given to us through His Son Jesus Christ.


Simply Receive It!



The Lord reviewed to us to shift our focus to the Kingdom. The focus of our outlook has changed to match God’s focus in this hour, the Good News about the Kingdom. When we expect from anyone else other than God we miss the greatest gift of all the Kingdom which embodies Christ as the King and His dominion. God the Father has Himself translated us from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of His dear Son Jesus Christ. There is an urgent need to spread the Good news of the Kingdom to all humanity. The Kingdom is what man is looking for where God rules with all His love and this Kingdom is for everyone who would believe. We have embraced the mandate to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to all Nations for the Glory of His name, the name of Jesus! —Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15.

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